Progressive Review
Ok, it started out like my song, then I noticed the stereo. Nicceeee.
00:40: Starting to get freaking amazing and giving me chills. That piano is great and the effects are amazing.
01:22: I don't have time to put every freak out I've had so far. This is just great.
02:03: This sounds crazy. The music box / wind chime effect thing you've got going is great. Haters are hating, but I'll be sure to 5 bomb the crap out of this one.
03:02: I just keep typing. This is amazing, as I've said so much before. It's great though! I'm listening to the guitar solo thing, which is very awesome.
04:00: This song is very calm, yet it's always moving forward. It's a remix, but it sounds very original. I love this.
05:10: I'm hearing a repeating melody that is so incredibly catchy that I can't get over it. My song was morphed into something crazy.
Haha, overall this song was great, amazing, awesome, etc. You get the point. Woooo!